Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's in your tank? Why Burn Fat First?

Last year I set out on an adventure. You see, I was overweight. In BMI circles, I was bordering on obese. I discovered something amazing. Sure, I had lost weight before my wedding. I tried weight watchers, which allowed me to lose some weight and man did I look good at my wedding! But after the wedding, I put the weight back on.

Then after my first child and the daddy sympathy weight, I put on more. Then I launched my medical practice and put on more.......

You get the story.

So, about my discovery.

I found out what was in my tank and how to burn fat first. Using this knowledge I lost 20 pounds and have kept it off! To get an idea, 20 pounds was 10% of my body weight! For some of you, 10% is 30 or 40 pounds. Could I have lost more? Absolutely.

Did I need medications or nutritional supplements? No. But for many these help. Especially Phentermine and phendimetrazine. We use these at my weight loss clinic.

Did I need a meal replacement program? No. But for many it helps them keep it off! We use this at my weight loss clinic too.

Imagine if you went to pump gas and didn't have a gas gauge. You had no clue how much gas was going into the car. You would have no way to know if your car was full. Further, the only way you could stop is when the gas was pouring all over your nice new shoes.....

That doesn't happen right? Correct, some smart engineer created gas gauges. Then after too many people had their feet wet with gas, they then created automatic ctop switches for pumps. The pump stops pumping for you when the tank is full. That is exactly the problem with our bodies. There is no gas gauge and their is no automatic kill switch for our pump.

The problem with most weight loss programs and with online diet companies is that their technology and science is stuck in the model-T version of weight loss. Cut your calories and you will lose weight.

Well, it is much more scientific and medical than that. What you need is a 21st Century team.

I learned what was in my tank and then created the "Virgin Galactic" version of weight loss.

What's the first 2 steps of this dance?

1. Find out what is in Your Tank.
Everyone is different here. Believe it or not. Your tank size is NOT PRECISELY RELATED to your body size. You can try and estimate using equations. But unless you undergo technologically advanced medical metabolic testing using gas exchange, you will never know "What's in your Tank"

2. Burn Fat First
There were many times when I looked at my fat and was upset, then I came to view it as my friend. Accepting it as a part of me. Well, it IS NOT a part of me. It is a parasite sabotaging you, making you hungry, slowing weight loss. If you don't Burn Fat First, you will never lose weight long term. Further, you never reap the benefit of health if you don't burn fat first.

Over the course of this blog I will share weight loss tips, weight loss secrets and weight loss analysis. If you stick with me I will, in essence, walk you through our weight loss program. Unlike secret medical weight loss franchises that hide their "special sauce" or have fly by night felons in charge,  I will put it all out here on the internet, free to those who read along.

Come along for the ride, we are gonna have some fun helping you lose weight!

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