Friday, February 17, 2012

Arsenic in Infant Formula and Energy Bars!

Have you ever heard of brown rice syrup? I have. It is an ingredient food manufacturers use instead of high fructose corn syrup.

People have actually been flocking to this, especially as we learn more about the problems of high fructose corn syrup and obesity. The big problem is that the FDA is overwhelmed with all sorts of new derivative of food products and has not had the time to fully review this brown rice syrup.

An independent reviewer did review the levels of arsenic in organic baby food and found unacceptable levels. Up to six times what is considered safe in drinking water. Further, babies are small and get hit with more.

At  Adriana Vega asks "Which Ones?" Good question, the researchers did not release this info.

What matters to me is that certain diet fads like the "Alkaline diet" may move dieters towards Brown Rice Syrup as a sweetener. Further, Vegans and Celiac patients of mine use this sweetener.

I am now steering all of them clear of this substance as we can't be sure how much is enough to avoid the arsenic toxicity.

The Take Away: Steer clear of Brown Rice Syrup! You don't want to risk arsenic toxicity.

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